The Caravelle triple seat/bed is a great option for those who need a 3 seater bed system and may also want the additional 2 single Caravelle seats in the rear.

The seat is fully removable and like the VW California bed system, it can be positioned anywhere along the floor rails - giving the flexibility between load space and living area. It can fold neatly forwards when not in use to save space, and it also folds backwards to make a bed platform. It also has a recline option, however, this should only be used when the vehicle is stationary.

A convenient feature of the Caravelle bed is that it has a release mechanism on both the front and the rear, meaning you can easily move the bed from in front or behind it. Another great feature is it also has space for storage underneath. Whilst the Caravelle bed makes for a very comfortable rear seat, it isn’t the comfiest bed, due to the seatbelts & shaped foam etc., so we would always recommend a mattress topper. Unless you are very short, or children are using it, then you would also need a sleeper pack to give you the full-length bed.

  • Prices start from

    £3,700 +VAT
  • Bed system also requires the floor to be built to suit the rails

    £600 +VAT

Make an enquiry about 3 seater bed systems

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